
All praise and thanks belongs to Allah. Lord & Creator of all the worlds. May Allah bestow His peace & mercy upon the Prophet, his family, his companions and on all of those who follow them truth until The Last Day. Aameen.

As salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Here are some of my personal thoughts of tonight. If you are Muslim, you should look Muslim. Be it male or female, people should be able to recognize you are Muslim just by looking at you. "Why?" You may ask. I'll explain.

We are all brothers and sisters in Islam. The Prophet sallahu alayhi wasalem told us this very many times. Not only are we brothers and sisters, but as Muslims we have a code of conduct, morals and respect that we are supposed to follow. Now not all of us do this, but we should and most Muslims are aware of the rules and boundaries that are never meant to be cross by two strangers (ie. shaking hands with the opposite sex). That being said, I feel MUCH more comfortable around other Muslims than I do around people who know nothing about my religion. I would like to be able to identify them if necessary  I'll give you a scenario.

    About Me

    Happily Married Muslimah with two children. Blessed everyday by Allah in too many ways to count. Love my family and friends and just striving to get to Jannah like the rest of the Ummah!


    February 2013

